by Q.-Tuan Luong for the Large Format Page
Here I compare the price of a very good LF 5x7 system (mine actually) with a few popular MF systems with comparable optics, and the Leica.
Canham Rollei Blad Mamiya Pentax Leica 5x7 2500 6008 3500 501C 2600 7 1850 6x7 1400 R6 2800 10 holders 250 90 Nik 840 40 5800 40 4000 43 2600 35 1200 19 3200 120 Sch 1320 50 3000 50 2700 65 1600 55 900 24 2400 210 Sch 900 80 2000 80 - 80 1300 90 600 50 900 450 Nik 1200 150 3200 150 2750 150 1800 165 630 90 1400 4260 14000 9450 7300 3330 7900 7010 17500 12050 9150 4730 10700Surprisingly, the conclusion is that the LF system is actually less expensive than all but one MF system (known to be particularly a good deal). The trade-off is ease of operation (for MF) vs a negative which is more than 5 times larger, plus movements and individual film processing.